Enable Wide Text Printing in Microsoft Word

When you print a document that contains extended characters, such as Greek symbols, to certain printers that do not support Unicode characters, the extended characters may be printed as square boxes. This tweak should resolve the problem on most printers.

Open your registry and find the key below.

Create a new String value, or modify the existing value called 'NoWideTextPrinting' using the settings below.

Exit your registry, you may need to restart or log out of Windows for the change to take effect.

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\[office version]\Word\Options]
Name: NoWideTextPrinting
Type: REG_SZ (String Value)
Value: (0 = default, 1 = enabled)

Note: Due to the method required the printing quality may be lower than when using direct Unicode support.

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