System Board and Memory Optimizations

These settings allow you to optimize the AGP and PCI buses along with the system memory by reducing the number of wait states (idle time).

Open your registry and find the key below.

To decrease the PCI bus wait states create a new DWORD value called "PCIConcur" and set it to "1".

To decrease the AGP bus wait states create a new DWORD value called "AGPConcur" and set it to "1".

To decrease the DRAM memory wait states create a new DWORD value called "FastDRAM" and set it to "1".

Restart Windows for the change to take effect.

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\BIOS]
Name: PCIConcur, FastDRAM, AGPConcur
Value: 1 = reduce wait states

Note: Wait states are periods when the CPU or bus remain idle to allow other system components to catch-up. Therefore decreasing the wait states reduces the amount of time the CPU or bus stays idle.

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